Tests and Results


How and when to obtain test results from the surgery

During your consultation the doctor or nurse requesting any tests from you will have explained how to receive your test results.

This will either be by:

  1. Booking a routine appointment for results/review
  2. Phoning the surgery on 0207 387 6306 between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

If you have been asked to phone, the Practice Nurse will be able to give you the results once these have been reviewed by the doctor.

Most blood/urine/stool/swab results take between 3 to 7 days to return to us. Other tests may take slightly longer.

Please be aware due to confidentiality we can only give results to the patient concerned (unless they are a child in which case we would give results to their parent/legal guardian).

Please note our Reception staff are not qualified to give out any results.

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